Friday, December 22, 2006

On Holiday (Sort Of)

I have been out of school on break for almost two weeks now. I have been back to campus a few times (including today) to work in the library. I love the library. I have worked here since the end of my 1L year and it makes me happy.

After I graduate in May, I will be studying for the CA bar exam, which I will take in July, and then I will come back to the law school to work as a reference librarian in the law library. I will be taking classes to get my Masters in Library Science while working here. After years of sucky jobs, I will finally be doing what I dream of --- combining legal stuff and library stuff and getting paid for it. I can't believe my good fortune. The law school I attend and where I'll be working is a very pleasant, low-key place. The people in the library are fun and chill and SOOOOO excited that I agreed to take the job. Well, duh. All in all it's win-win for everyone.

I have decided to not look at my grades from this past semester until after I come back from my cruise (my dad booked me, SP, my brother and his family, and himself on an 8-day cruise to Mexico for the first week of January, yay dad!). I also decided I will not look at them (the grades) myself, but will have SP do it and tell me what they are.

Stupid law school --- I hate getting my grades because they're always mediocre. It's just too much stress for me and I feel like a failure every semester. Law school is the biggest bloody ego-buster on earth. Anyway, both SP and I are very happy with this new system that we came up with.

Other than that I have eaten my way through the break so far, and have been watching a TON of TV. I have quite a good TV routine in the mornings -- two episodes of Changing Rooms starting at 8am, then I can see both the American and British versions of What Not To Wear later in the morning. God, I love those shows. I need to get my ass off the couch, though, and in the gym. I have gone too seldom since the break, which will be painfully apparent to me tonight at my hockey game.


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